As the business world has moved towards a relationship focused approach, the performance of outbound calling campaigns has changed. Today, there are a variety of factors that are used in order to determine the success or the failure of an outbound campaign and most of them are nesting in the right planning of such campaigns. We have conducted many outbound call campaigns across multiple niches, and with our knowledge, we have identified a few thing that work. If you’re looking to make your next outbound call campaign successful, here’s some tips to make it work …

The Timing

The timing is definitely something you need to keep in mind. Just like your email campaigns, it is important to take the timing of your outbound call campaigns in consideration. Not everyone will be at home to take your calls all at the same time. For example, it’s a good idea to avoid peak hours because this is when the customer will more than likely be busy and not pick up the phone. Therefore, you need to plan the campaign for when people are normally free during the day.

Clear Objective

Before you plan on running the campaign, make sure your objective is clear. Figure out what you’re looking to achieve from the campaign, then identify the type of campaign you wish to run. Some objectives you could achieve from outbound call campaigns include:

  • Sending reminders – This can come in handy for reminding your customers of an upcoming payment, event, or even an update.
  • Sending an announcement – For the launch of new services or products, for updates about your pre-existing services and so on.
  • Getting more opt ins – For when your company is holding a poll that you would like your customers to fill out.
  • Collective feedback – For times when you would like some fast feedback on your services, and products.

Put Thought into Segmenting Your Data

Before you start the outbound call campaign, you need to put some focus on gathering the important data. Once you have gathered it, segment the data based on demographics such as gender, age, location and other variables that will help you be able to identify your target audience.

Afterwards, you can move forward with the call campaign based on the identified segments – this will help you analyze how each individual responds. During the call, record the responses – this will help you test the effectiveness of each call in each small segment, so you will see which works best and with which group.

Never Jump Past the Testing Process

Just like email, social media, and all of the other digital campaigns, there is no approach that will fit everything in outbound call campaigns. Every company will need to figure out what is going to work best for them – this is going to be based on numerous factors, such as your goals, customers demographics and geographics.


For any business, regardless of what niche you’re in, you need to have an outbound calling campaign. An outbound call will give you the opportunity to gain a better understanding of your customers.