Outbound call campaigns can be effective for pushing customers to take action because it gives you the opportunity to reach out and motivate them.  Many times, nothing beats the sound of having a real human voice that is friendly and knows what they’re talking about, calling you on the phone. For an outbound calling campaign, you can either have your business development center reps do it for you, organize your sales team to do it, or outsource it – we believe it would be best to outsource the outbound calling campaign.

Regardless of what you choose, when you take the below methods and combine them with an effective outbound call campaign, your chances of success are going to increase.    

Tend to Customers That Haven’t Returned in Six Months

Create a list of all your customers that haven’t returned within six months. From there, create a special offer just for them. We see some offering a 15% off incentive, but this doesn’t really do a great job at capturing people’s attention. Instead, we recommend using a dollar figure. For example, $25 or even $50 off a particular service will be sure to get attention.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising

By paying to advertise your company on search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo, your message will be viewed by individuals that are searching for keywords that are specific to your business. Pay-Per-Click ads are those ads that show up on the top of the organic search results. They can also be shown on a banner on many websites and even on social channels like LinkedIn.

Direct Mail

In this day and age, when technology is at an all time high, people tend to forget about direct main. Mind you, direct mail may not work alone, but if you were to combine it with the other efforts we have listed in this article, it can be an effective way to reach out to your target audience.

Email Marketing

Email marketing often involves taking leads that are already in your database, or on a list and sending a well thought out email – this is a great way to create buzz for your company.  Email marketing can attract leads to your site, social channels, blog, webinars, events and so on. If you have an event coming up, new products that you plan on launching, or anything else going on within the company, you can create emails to promote it. Regardless, email marketing isn’t something you should just ignore, combine it with direct mail and you’ll get some pretty good results.


Go ahead, pick a good outbound calling campaign and pair it with the methods we just listed in the above paragraphs – by doing this, you are going to be increasing the chances of running a successful business. In the end, if you find that you need some help with your campaigns, don’t be afraid to reach out to someone and ask  – there are many legit companies that are available around the clock to lend you their services.