When you run a business, and you choose to hire a virtual assistant to help you out, as long as you hire a
good team, you’re not going to regret it. You see, there are many benefits to hiring virtual assistant
services, such as cost reduction, flexibility, and of course, it frees up more time for you. You can’t go out
and hire the first virtual assistant you come across – this is one of those things you’re going to have to
hold interviews with. By interviews, we’re not saying you have to meat in person – this is something you
can easily do in Skype, or over the phone. To give you a head start, we’re going to give you a list of
questions you should be asking your potential virtual assistant …
What’s your Internet speed?
The virtual assistant you hire will need to have a high speed Internet connection (this should be a
requirement). So, while you’re asking all of the other questions, definitely don’t leave this one off the
list. You should ask the potential assistant to do an Internet speed test and tell you the results – there
are free tools available online that offer speed tests.
What time zone are you in?
In this day and age, it is possible to hire employees from across the world. So make sure you ask them
what time zone they are in.
What do you consider your normal business hours?
Keep in mind that most people have their own work hours that they like to stick to. Once you ask them
about their time zone, ask them what hours of the day they intend on working. The two of you may be
able to settle for a schedule that will work for both of you.
Is this your first time as a virtual assistant?
If they tell you this is their first try as a virtual assistant, don’t let that scare you away because everyone
has to start somewhere. Regardless, it is always a good idea to know how much experience the potential
assistant has so that you know what you’re working with.
Do you have references?
References are something you should always ask for. Even if you don’t plan on contacting the
references, it’s still a good thing to get.
Fixed or hourly-price?
A virtual assistant will fall into one of two categories – hourly or fixed-price. As a business owner, you
need to be aware of the type of pay the potential virtual assistant is expecting from you.
What communication methods do you prefer?

If you prefer someone that likes to use Skype or email, but the potential virtual employee prefers using
their phone, then it’s probably not going to work out. You need someone that will be comfortable with
communicating through the methods you prefer.
What do you charge?
This is a good question to ask in the beginning in order to make sure you’re not wasting your time on
someone that is out of budget.
When interviewing your potential virtual assistant, you can use this list and add to it. You should never
walk away with a question unanswered, so make sure you get it all out on the table during the